Ferries Conference is produced by Colibri Northwest. Happening October 16, 2025.
October 16, 2025, Seattle Renaissance Hotel.
As of January 28, 2025.
900-1030 Legislative Overview and Public Sector Funding:
1030-1100 Coffee Break and Networking
1100-Noon Ferries as Economic Development Drivers
Noon-130pm Hosted Lunch
130pm-3pm Evolving Usage of Ferry to Meet Evolving Transportation Patterns
3pm-330pm Coffee Break and Networking
330pm-5pm Ferries in the Transit Mix: Intermodality, Technology and Best Practices
5-630pm Hosted Reception
Welcoming Remarks: Peter Philips, Colibri Northwest
Stacey Crawshaw-Lewis, Pacifica Law Group
CDR Xochitl Castañeda, Maritime Administration, USDOT
Georgia Gann Dohrmann, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Amy Volz, Federal Transit Administration, USDOT
Stephanie Bowman, Washington State Dept. of Commerce
Ray Bucheger, FBB Federal Relations
Justin LeBlanc, Justin LeBlanc Government Relations, LLC
Amanda Wyma-Bradley, US Senator Patty Murray
Ray Bucheger, FBB Federal Relations
Joe Burgard, Red and White Fleet
Michael Eaglen, EV Maritime
Mark Keneford, Wärtsilä Canada Inc.
Peter Philips, Colibri Northwest
Brent Baker, WSP
Mark Bandy, Kimley-Horn
David Sowers, PE., Washington State Ferries
Marsha Tolon PLA, ENV-SP, Washington State Ferries
Seamus Murphy, WETA
John Hildreth, PhD, PE, West Carolina University
David Tyler, Artemis Technologies
Washington State Representative Greg Nance, 23rd Legislative District
Neil Bowles, Artemis Technologies
Tim Hanners, San Francisco Bay Ferry/WETA
David Mik, Power Engineering
Dr. Dilip Trivedi, PhD, PE, Moffatt & Nichol
The above schedule, topics, and speakers are subject to change.
©2025 Colibri Northwest. All rights reserved.